2020 Health System Impact Fellowships (for Doctoral Trainees and Post-doctoral Fellows) in Canada

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The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship (for doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows) provides highly-qualified doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows studying health services and policy research (HSPR), or related fields, a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical challenges in health care that are being addressed by the health system and related organizations (e.g., public, private for-profit, not-for-profit, and Indigenous health organizations that are not universities) outside of the traditional scholarly setting, and to also develop professional experience, new skills, and networks.

The HSI Fellowship provides doctoral and post-doctoral awardees, both referred to as fellows, with a paid experiential learning opportunity within the health system and related organizations where they will dedicate the majority of their time towards a co-developed program of work that advances the organization’s impact goals and contributes to improved health system performance. Fellows will be exposed to how the health system and related organizations work, how decisions are made, how research and analytic skills can contribute to an organization’s performance and the organization’s role in contributing to improved health and health system performance.

The Health System Impact Fellowship is expected to:

  • Support impact-oriented career paths and elevate the career readiness of PhD trainees and post-doctoral fellows studying HSPR or related fields by supporting experiential learning opportunities in the health system and related organizations outside of the traditional university environment and enriched competency development (e.g., leadership, project management);
  • Expand and enrich the traditional doctoral and post-doctoral training environment by engaging health system and related organizations in preparing a cadre of promising doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows for successful careers in academic and applied health system settings; and
  • Provide health system and related organizations with direct opportunities to realize and harness the benefits that research-trained individuals can bring to such organizations for improved decision-making.




The HSI Fellowship contains a stream for doctoral trainees and a stream for post-doctoral fellows:

  • Doctoral fellows receive a paid one-year experiential learning opportunity where they are embedded in their health system partner organization for at least 60% of their time focused on an impact-oriented project of direct relevance to their partner organization. The remaining time (up to 40%), is protected to continue with their doctoral program commitments.
  • The maximum amount per doctoral award is $50,000 per year for up to 1 year. Of this:
    • Stipend: $45,000
    • Professional development training and research allowance: $5,000
  • Post-doctoral fellows receive a paid two-year experiential learning opportunity where they are embedded in their health system partner organization for at least 70% of their time focused on their impact-oriented program of work. The remaining time (up to 30%), is protected for academic research.
  • The maximum amount per post-doctoral award is $155,000 in total for 2 years. Of this:
    • Stipend: $70,000 per year
    • Professional development training and research allowance: $7,500 per year


For an application to be eligible:

  1. The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must be one of the following:
    1. Stream A: a trainee who is enrolled full-time in a doctoral degree and studying HSPR or related fields* for their doctoral training at Canadian CIHR eligible institution and who has not previously held an HSI doctoral Fellowship award.
    2. Stream B: a trainee who has obtained their doctoral degree in an HSPR or related field* no more than five years prior to the application deadline or who has completed their Ph.D. requirements by the start date of the award (September 1, 2020) and who has not previously held an HSI post-doctoral Fellowship award.
    Note: the NPA must not be a current or past employee of their proposed host partner organization.
  2. A health system supervisor that is a senior-level decision-maker from a health system or related organization** in Canada (and who is a different individual than the academic supervisor) that has committed to hosting the trainee for the experiential learning opportunity must be identified as the Primary Supervisor.
  3. An academic supervisor who has an academic appointment with a university-based graduate training program in Canada and who conducts research in health services and policy or a related field* (and who is a different individual than the health system supervisor) must be identified as the Supervisor. For applicants to the doctoral stream, the academic supervisor must be the trainee’s primary PhD supervisor. For applicants to the post-doctoral stream, the academic supervisor must secure the fellow with post-doctoral status at the university by the start date of the fellowship.
  4. The HSI Fellowship is open to Canadians, permanent residents, and citizens of other countries, but:
    1. The award must be used for an experiential learning opportunity at a host partner organization located in Canada; and
    2. The fellow must be registered at an eligible institution (see the CIHR Application Administration Guide – Part 4) at the time of the award start date.
  5. The applicant must complete one of CIHR’s three interactive modules on sex and gender in research and include the completion certificate with the HSI Fellowship application.
  6. Applying for other awards: A candidate can apply for the HSI Fellowship and other federal awards (e.g., CGS Doctoral Award, Vanier Award, Banting Fellowship, Mitacs Accelerate Award) in the same year (see Conditions of Funding, holding other awards, below).
  7. Applicants are permitted to submit only one application per HSI Fellowship competition

*Examples of HSPR or related fields include, but are not limited to, population health, health economics, health policy, artificial intelligence, public health, epidemiology, gerontology, data science, etc.Eligible Regions: Open for all


The application process for this funding opportunity is comprised of one step: Full Application

  • Reminder to applicants: Please ensure that your application is complete (includes all required signatures) and is submitted on time to CIHR.
  • As this is a unique funding opportunity, only some of the components of the general Fellowship awards – Application Instructions will apply. Specific instructions stating what is required are found in the official link.
  • All participants listed (other than Collaborators) will:
    • Require a CIHR PIN.
    • Complete the Equity and Diversity Questionnaire.

Application Deadline: April 29, 2020



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